Please Note: All artwork, photos, text and layouts displayed on this blog that are not clearly attributed to another artist are solely copyright Natalya Zahn. While I would be happy for my images and writing to be shared, reposting or publishing of any kind without citing proper credit - including a link back to my blog or website whenever possible - is a sure way to make me cranky. Please respect content.
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May 14, 2013


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Alfia Wallace (@ScienceSeminar)

No shrine to tapirs? *sniff*

Was that a freezer full of steaks for your dog? Impressive.


Haha, yes Alfia - my freezer is full of frozen meat for the dog! :) I home prepare a raw diet for him... though hardly ever cook meat for myself.

And sadly, no shrine to tapirs - though they are represented among the many critter trinkets and bits of inspiration that surround my home and studio. ;)

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